Monday, June 21, 2010

The Way Out

To the world everything seems hopeless. They feel helpless.
We know the way out. No matter how much the world hurts, we know there's a way out. We have hope and a direction.
And what is the way out? Not looking to the world for happiness, but looking to the place where happiness is, -and that place is right within us, within our consciousness.
Unlimited joy is our natural, inherent state which we have, through ignorance, undone by imposing concepts of limitations: I need this, I need him, I need her, and if I don't get these I am hurt, I have trouble.
Growth is only letting go of these concepts of lack and limitation or, on the positive side, going within and seeing this unlimited Being that we are and choosing to remain as such.
Anytime we have trouble, anytime we have a problem, we're being the limited ego. We’re trying to express the Self through the limited ego, and it's too small, we get squeezed and it hurts.
So, if there is a problem, the thing to do is to ask yourself, “What am I doing? Wherein am I demanding, seeking with ego motivation?” If the answer comes, if you see how, egowise, you're causing this so- called problem, you'll automatically pull the cause up from the subconscious into the conscious, and once it's conscious you'll naturally let go of it.
The reason why one doesn't let go is because the cause, the thought that initiated the difficulty is subconscious. So, either we make the thought conscious and let go of it, or, and this is the higher and better way, we know strongly enough that we are the Self, that we are not this body, this mind, this world. And when you feel the Self, the feel of the Self is nothing but unlimited joy, and all problems immediately resolve!


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