Tuesday, June 22, 2010

You're happiest with no thoughts.

Now no one is an effect of the unconscious mind, the unconscious habits and tendencies, unless he chooses to be. You are cause over the unconscious mind; you set it up; you're choosing to follow it. The day you decide not to, that day you're through with it!
It's simple. When you don't look at what you are doing, it's a forever process of being miserable. You think miserable thoughts and you feel miserable, and you don't take responsibility for thinking these thoughts. So what chance have you got for getting out of it? Once you take responsibility for your thoughts, you've got control. You can turn them off, change them, put in good thoughts, until you overcome the bad thoughts. Then you'll drop thoughts. You'll see how stupid it is to think. All thoughts are things of limitation and you're happiest when there are absolutely no thoughts. And when there are absolutely no thoughts you are in the top state. So what’s difficult about that?


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