Surrender becomes so much easier when you realize the fleeting nature of all experiences and that the world cannot give you anything of lasting value.
You can continue to meet people, to be involved in experiences and activities, but without the wants and fears of the egoic self. That is to say, you no longer demand that a situation, person, place or event should satisfy you or make you happy. Its passing and imperfect nature is allowed to be.
And the miracle is that when you are no longer placing an impossible demand on it, every situation, person, place or event becomes not only satisfying, but also more harmonious, more peaceful.
When you completely accept this moment, when you no longer argue with what is, the compulsion to think lessens, and is replaced by an alert stillness. You are fully conscious, yet the mind is not labeling this moment in any way. This state of inner non-resistance opens you to the unconditioned consciousness that is infinitely greater than the human mind.
This vast intelligence can then express itself through you and assist you, both from within and from without. That is why, by letting go of inner resistance, you often find circumstances change for the better.