Sunday, July 11, 2010

The call to leave and find a new adventure.

The call is to leave a certain social situation, move into your own loneliness and find the jewel, the center that's impossible to find when you're socially engaged. You're thrown off center, and you feel off center, it's time to go.  This is the departure when the hero feels something has been lost and goes to find it.  You are to cross a threshold into new life.  It's a dangerous adventure because  you are moving out of the sphere of knowledge of you and your community.  Pg 77

When one thinks of not going or remains in society because it's safe, the results are radically different from what happens when one follows the call.  If you refuse to go, then you are someone else's servant.  When this refusal of the call happens, there is a kind of drying up, a sense of life lost. Everything in you knows that a required adventure has been refused. Pg 78


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