NOTE: Pogo said, "The enemy is us."
Since the enemy is me, I must be the enemy. The smart thing to do, then, is to love that "enemy."
Words like "enemy" are descriptive of something or someone that could hurt us. Labeling the ego the enemy is an aid to see how much the ego harms us. However it is helpful for us to see that those type of words cause separation: Us versus them, me versus him or her, me versus my ego.
Separation is the source of pain and limitation. Separation from Oneness, the illusion of separation, is the cause of all the trouble, misery, suffering.
Separation is the game of the ego. Creating enemies is the game of the ego. Fighting, as in fighting enemies, is ego wanting to be separate from the All. The real answer is to love the ego. Once we see it clearly, we see that love is always the answer.
Compassion is love. The way to egolessness and ultimate happiness is love, love of everyone and everything.