Monday, August 2, 2010

Health and Money Supply

It is the same principle that heals a sick body or a sick pocketbook.
Sickness and poverty are both lack. And lack is the acceptance of concepts that are limited. 
The concept of lack is only in our consciousness. One must let go of it and in its place have concepts of abundance, affluence, and well being.
Our supply and health are determined by our consciousness of supply and health.
A mental picturing of that which we want, with the complete acceptance and the conviction that it is ours now, will bring it quickly. See it in its "is-ness."
Never think of things as coming in the future, as the mind will keep it in the future. See it, feel it, taste it, possess it as yours now. Do not see it in its "will-be-ness."
Picture things in the fullness of detail.
Think only what you want, never the money to obtain it.  Conditioning it with money is putting a  limitation in the way.
Work in secrecy. Telling one what you want weakens the drive.  After obtaining it, you may tell.
Repetition is not desirable in that it means we did not accept fully the time before. However, if necessary, repeat the visualization.
A full conviction that we have everything as we need it will do just that. 
Supply is infinite. Never compete.
No matter how sick the body it may be made perfect. 
If we desire something it is an admission of lack.
When we realize the God-being that we are, we feel that everything is ours. When this realization is obtained, the thought of something brings it to us.
When we know we have everything and therefore need nothing, then everything comes to us for the mere effortless thought of it.  
Never connect your supply with your vocation. Let God be your supplier. Then it matters not what you do as your supply is guaranteed.
Effectiveness power depends on what you know of the principle.
To effect anything, complete passivity is the quickest way. Let go and let God.  It's a doingness on the mental plane, a knowingness on the spiritual plane that everything is ours.
The key to prosperity is the spirit of giving. When we know that freely it is given, then freely we give, and the more we do we receive.
If one can heal oneself spiritually then one should do it because it is instantaneous. If one cannot do it spiritually, then one should do it it mentally as mental healing is from rapid to instantaneous. If one cannot do it mentally, then one should do it physically and go to a doctor.
Spiritual healing is knowing that the body is perfect. Mental healing is effecting a perfect body by visualizing the body as perfect. 
Rather than receive a healing of body or pocketbook it is better to receive the understanding of healing.
Then one may be always free from all lack.
The fastest and surest way to health and prosperity is by understanding Truth.


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