"Do you wish to sincerely know the Secret?
…The Secret is this: There is something enormously wrong
with how we think, how you think, how I think, how everyone thinks…
…look at those trees. Do they fight amongst themselves,
resent each other and say to each other,
'I should be a pine tree instead of a magnolia?'
Do they fret about the heat today, or worry about what
tomorrow will bring, or moan about what happened to them yesterday? No. Well
then why aren't you and I as happy, as carefree, and as successful as those
…I'm about to divulge to you something that very, very few
people ever learn. And that's the operative word, 'learn.' You must now seek to learn and understand
what I'm about to tell you. There is nothing in life more important than to
seek the understanding of this, nothing… 'Those
thoughts that run through your mind, my mind…are not ours…Not knowing--- or
even suspecting this we take them to be our own, individual, self made
thoughts. We believe we are those thoughts.
…we carry these horrendous thoughts---the beast---around all
the time believing we are it.
There is only one thing on this earth to understand…this fact that we are not our thoughts…
'So what do I do about these thoughts you speak of? I have
to think!'
Yes… you do…but you must begin to think in a new way…You
must begin to watch your thoughts.
'But I know what I'm thinking…'
Do you know that you have the most worried look on your face
now…? And do you know that your right leg is beating faster than a
hummingbird's wings?
…This is what (is called) being lost in thought. And that
type of hypnosis is how most people live their entire lives. That hypnosis, and abiding by what the
beast in our head constantly tells us, is how the poor world operates. Wars, fights, lawsuits, neighbor
against neighbor, crime, fear and anxiety are the result of listening to those
beastly thoughts and believing we are them.
Shakespeare said, 'Sleep no more…' This hypnosis that we're under keeps us forever running in
circles, like the donkey chasing the carrot.
Watch, rather than be, your thoughts."