How many times have you found, though you were firm on the ground, still the world around you sways. You notice all that you've got does not add up to a lot, and the way ahead's a maze."
"You've used everything inside you, so maybe it's time you tried to find a brand new power to shine a light, a light to brighten up your darkest hour," "Starlight Express, Starlight Express, he's there, all around. Starlight Express will answer you 'yes,' he's waiting to be found."
Starlight Express? "Starlight Express hears your distress,"He's there, all around. Starlight Express, Starlight Express..."
"You've used everything inside you, so maybe it's time you tried to find a brand new power to shine a light, a light to brighten up your darkest hour," "Starlight Express, Starlight Express, he's there, all around. Starlight Express will answer you 'yes,' he's waiting to be found."
Starlight Express? "Starlight Express hears your distress,"He's there, all around. Starlight Express, Starlight Express..."