Moving toward limitless means moving toward realizing, seeing that we are limitless and always have been.
Appreciating the perfection of our world that we experience now, our life past and present, means appreciating that we, as limitless beings, have created all that we experience or have experienced.
Limitless creating happens two ways. First, is default creating. Default creating is what we have practiced, for the most part, up to the present. Default creating means creating without knowing we’re doing it. It could also be called unconscious creating. This so-called default creating gives us the feeling of being a victim, because we did the creating unconsciously.
Default creating began at the beginning of this dream called our life. Default creating begins with the feeling we are separate from our Godhood which is our first experience of the feeling of limitation. Default creating progresses with thoughts, with thinking. Each thought, being a limitation, makes us that much more limited. We build up countless thoughts and feelings of limitation.
Though the thoughts and feelings are countless, we can bundle-up all those thoughts into one thought called, limitation. That makes limitation easier to delete than trying to locate all those individual thoughts and feelings of limitation.
If we are not able to let go of the one thought of limitation, we may have to go about it with bundles of thoughts at a time, such as the thought, “I can’t” or “I don’t know” or “I don’t know how.”
How can we let go of those thoughts and feelings? We let them go simply by thinking their opposite, “I can,” I know,” “I know how.” Again, seeing it is all a dream, which in itself seems to be millions of thoughts, but it is actually just one thought, called the dream, we can drop and replace those thoughts and feelings.
However, we have practiced this dream of limitation for such a long time most of us cannot drop them all at once, but we can drop them as we see them. This can be called reversing thoughts and feelings of limitation and replacing them with thoughts and feelings of limitlessness.
We can do this reversing by keeping a very close eye on each of our thoughts and feelings as we go through our day. As default creators of our limitation, we have thoughts and feelings of limitation all the time. We can reverse those thoughts and feelings all the time if we stay awake to them, if we remain conscious of them as they come into our awareness, as we think and feel them.
This is called “holding in mind what we want,” rather than holding in mind what we do not want.
In the meantime, we are appreciating, admiring and loving what we experience because we see that we, as limitless beings, thinking and practicing that we are very limited beings, have created everything in our lives with those thoughts and feelings. The creating we have done has been a perfect match to our thoughts and feelings since the very beginning.
The second way of creating as a limitless creator, creating the dream just as we want it to be, could be called intentional creating, or conscious creating.
Actually everyone has experienced conscious creating with so-called coincidences or serendipitous occurrences in our life. We thought about it and it happened. The part we miss in these events is that we did it. It seems like it happened to us. However, remember it is just a dream, and it is my dream, and I did it. I created it.
Conscious, intentional creating is, first, seeing that we did it. We created all that we are experiencing. All that we experience is an out-picturing of our thoughts and feelings. Then, we begin to create consciously by reversing or replacing thoughts and feelings that we don’t prefer to experience.
A way to do this is by “teasing” out of our subconscious mind those thoughts or feelings that we do not prefer, and replacing them with thoughts and feelings that we prefer. In so doing, we replace the “default” creating with conscious, intentional creating.
It is easy for us to know what limitations we have created. All we have to do is think of areas of our life that we do not like, or that wish were different. We can easily see that we have unconsciously dreamed an “I can’t” or “I don’t have,” for example. We can see we have dreamed, “ I am this or that kind of person.” “I have this or that quality or characteristic.”
This is what is meant by, “To create the million use the same process of creating that you used to create the one dollar bill.”
The content of our life is what we dreamed we “should” have, or deserve to have, or want to have. We have created it unconsciously in our dream.
All we have to do is to begin to use the same process of creating that we used to create the content of the life we have. That process is simply holding in mind, or keeping in our mind, the life we would like to have.
For many of us, we have held onto the dream of “anti-thoughts and feelings” for so long, it could seem to take awhile to replace the dollar with a million dollars. (I say, “seem to take awhile” because if we can see it as a dream, we can instantly drop the dream, and replace the entire dream with a dream we prefer).
If we are not yet able to do that, we can use the method of consciously replacing or reversing thoughts and feelings as they arise.
We can hasten this replacement by bringing into our awareness a thought of something we would like to have. In that instant, we begin to see the “anti” thoughts and feelings. Let’s say the thought is, “I have a beautiful house on the hill.” Instantly all the “can’t do” thoughts boil up which is a gift for us because those secondary thoughts and feelings are in the way of our primary thought. As limitless beings we create a lot of mental and emotional commotion, a lot of mental pushing and tugging. Perfect creating though that is, it does block us from having the dream we prefer.
Fortunate for us, as the anti thoughts and feelings come up, we can consciously drop them and replace them with thoughts and feelings of what we prefer.
If we start by keeping aware of the small things we consciously create, we by and by begin to see our Mastership, our limitlessness, our Godhood.
And we see, we can make this dream just as we would like it to be, just as we have perfectly made it to match our thoughts and feelings up to now.