Friday, July 29, 2011

Seeing suspends thinking.

"HEALTHY LIGHT You break out of hell by breaking out of your
habitual mind. This usual mind is a prison in which you 
worriedly pace back and forth. Break out now! Here is how. First,
memorize the sentence: Seeing suspends thinking. Next, several
times during your day just see yourself in action. Casually
notice yourself as you walk or eat or rest. This suspends 
worried thought and allows the healthy light of pure insight to
shine upon you. Practice constantly. Results will come."

                 Freedom from a Life of Hell, # 66

Thursday, July 28, 2011

First you see it as a dream...

Just as you create your own dream world, you create your waking one.  If you can penetratingly observe the process, you will have achieved the ultimate in paying attention: You will rise above your own body to see with detachment what is going on....

...Eventually you will come to the point of wondering who it is that is soaring on high...

By asking yourself, "Who is speaking," regularly during your day,  you are evoking this aspect of you that directly perceives,  directly knows, and instantly creates and decides.
 "I only hope that when I am free/ As they are free to go in quest/ Of the knowledge beyond the bounds of life/ It may not seem better to me to rest."

Friday, July 22, 2011

"How strange that people repeatedly suffer from wrong actions
without questioning them. In the physical world we are very
practical. If the dinner is less than tasty or if the business
project goes wrong, we make examination and correction. Yet,
in the inner life how few are practical!"

                The Power of your Supermind, Chap 6, p. 78

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

'You want what you don't  have. And you don't have what you want.
Why not simply reverse it?  Why not want what you have. And not 
want what you don't have?"

Jack Kornfield quoting Nisarnagatta 
"Afterall, as long as one is burdened by a personality, one is exposed to it's idiosyncracies and habits."

Monday, July 18, 2011

Whatever kind of psychological events a man meets, he really
meets himself, for he and his world are one."

                              Inspire Yourself, p. 172

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The world turns out to be a dream that never was.
First you see it as a dream. Then you see it as this dream never was.

When we see it's a picture out there that we have created, we can very easily change it, instantly.
Change your mind and everything out there changes. Change your thinkingness and you change your world for you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mind Mirror

I think today, I would like to say this. As you see the world, so are you.  Now I'm taking off on "as a man believeth in his heart so is he."  Which is correct.
But I say this is a much more advanced way of looking at it: As you see the world, so are you.
Now everyday when we get up and open up our eyes and we start looking at the world, we meet people. And as we see those people, so are we. It is impossible to see a fault in anyone else that we don't have in ourselves. If the fault is not is us, it is impossible to see it out there in anyone else.
It's almost the same as, in order to understand Greek, you must know Greek.
Anything we understand out there, we know within. So every time we see something out there that we don't like, a person who is doing something that we don't like, and it bothers us, it is only because that very same thing is in us.
Now this is a powerful method of growth because most of us unfortunately see things that are wrong in this world. When Masters look at the world they see nothing but perfection.  We should try to get the same viewpoint.
If we will hold on to just this one thing there will be a tremendous growth: Every time you see something wrong in someone, look for it in yourself. And when you see it, let go of it. Keep letting go. And every time you let go of it, you're letting go of a bit of ego.
The whole thing is very simple. Thou art that, here and now.  Remove the covering of the ego. Let go of the ego. And when the ego is completely gone, the only thing left is the infinite Self.
Where the ego rises not, there is the Self.  So in everyday life, as we meet people, situations, every time we see something we don't like, we should turn within. See it within our selves, let go of it.
Now this will not clear us in one day or one week, because there's an awful lot to be cleared.  We have developed from many lifetimes, ego attachments and desires.  And they don’t go in one or two days.
When we start letting go of the ego, it appears sometimes as though the ego is getting stronger and stronger, and bigger and bigger. That's not true. It will never get any bigger than it is right now. What happens is, as we let go of it, more of it presents itself to us. We are looking at it more, and it appears sometimes the ego is getting bigger. Actually we’re just facing up to more and more of it, that was there all the time. Looking away from ego does not dissolve it. It just remains there.  Until the time comes that we are forced to let go of it.
So, daily, right through the entire day, if we would just look at the world, and realize that we are seeing it through our own eyes, through our own consciousness, through our own understanding, that what we see out there is nothing but ourselves, this can effect a rapid positive growth that will show results immediately. 
The first week you'll feel  better. And as you keep doing this you'll get lighter and lighter and lighter. Happiness will get more and more and more. Sorrow will get less and less and less.
But the main warning I give you is, don't expect it overnight. And if the ego appears to loom up larger its only because you're facing it, whereas before you were looking away from it
How do you do it? Well you see someone out there who is trying to be the life of the party, the number one, and you don’t like it (I'm taking a very obvious thing). If we don't like the other one thing trying to be number one, its only because we want to be the number one. 
All right, so what do we do? You have to go within and look for it, and stay within until you see it. If you will go within, release, quiet your mind, the answer will always come. You will see, "Why yes, I too want to be the number one, and I was resentful because the other one was trying to be the  number one." And then, when you see that you want to be the number one, say to yourself, "This I must let go of," with the wish to let go. And just by the wish to let go, you are letting go of a bit of ego.
There are no better lessons than those we get from our family. You'll find family the best means of growing. And the main reason for that is that we choose our parents. And we choose parents who have similar characteristics to our own. And so, there is always a too and fro between parents and child because of this. Parents are telling the children what to do, and the children are fighting right back, up and back, up and back, all the time.
Most of the time, the parent and child are together. It’s a constant to and fro on the thing we're talking about. Because we have it in ourselves, we see it in our parent or we see it in our child. And they see it in us. This causes quite a lot of friction…
Another way of saying it is, there's nothing out there but our consciousness. Whatever we see wrong out there, the mote is in our eye.
And if you'll accept this, you can use it, to un-do your ego.  There's nothing our there but our consciousness.  If you ever want to know what your consciousness is, just take a check on what is around you and what you see, and what you go through every day in life. That's your consciousness.
A master sees nothing but perfection, in you, in everyone and in everything.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Observer is the Observed


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