Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Self observation is watching everything that goes on, both within yourself and outside. It's constantly watching thoughts and feelings. It's being aware of your body, your hands and feet, of moving or resting. It's being aware of the breeze, the temperature, your weight in the chair or on the ground as you walk,  the sky, the clouds, the birds, the sounds, what your eyes are seeing, what you are tasting, the scent in the air. It's being aware of each movement of thought,  each movement of feeling, and each bodily movement. It's being fully awake to what is going on inside and outside, and it is being aware of being aware. It's being awake that all of it---all that is going on inwardly and outwardly--- is to the mind, an out-picturing of the mind...and to whom is that mind?" And who am I?


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