Sunday, May 20, 2012

"You are either in this hall right now at New Life Foundation or
you hearing the talk somewhere else, but in either case I want you
to bring yourself together, come back to this very present moment
forgetting the days experiences and become very alert and aware of
a certain sentence I will give you shortly.

Because I want you to first hear this sentence and then at
the same time you are hearing it I want your attention to
also be directed toward your own mental and emotional
perhaps reaction to it.

But I want that to be a second by second spiritual habit
with you to always know what is going on in your mind,
know where your body is. But for now I want you to come
wide awake so when I give you these sentences you’ll be
able to discern the thoughts and feelings and reactions
that it aroused.

And once you see what these responses are you're not to
try to judge them in any way, you're no to call them good
bad or indifferent. You're to simply know that these reaction
thoughts came to you and then you to allow them to go away,
to disappear from your mind. They will appear very swiftly
when I give you this sentence and you're to be oh, so wide
awake so that you know what ever it was that you reacted
to it. And then you to let it go meanwhile you have learned
something about your own internal reactions and machineries,
which is all apart of authentic spiritual self-knowledge.

Alright, I'm going to give you the sentence now and you're to
not only pay attention to me, but you to pay attention to what
you thought as a result of hearing the sentence which is this:
_You must absolutely destroy what is working absolutely to
destroy you_."

      from a talk given 7/30/1989
 Vernon Howard's Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 28, talk 682, track 3


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